Do You Have Questions About Fathers’ Rights?
Many people have the misconception that Arizona is a mother-centered state when it comes to divorce. When couples decide to get divorced, men fear losing custody of their children or a large portion of the community assets to their former spouse.
At the law firm of John Bednarz, P.C., we are committed to addressing any misconceptions and advocating for fathers’ rights in Arizona. We have more than 25 years of experience representing men and women in Maricopa County, Gilbert and surrounding areas. Family law attorney John Bednarz is driven to help you maintain time with your children, while ensuring you secure an equitable distribution of your community property.
When you have a lot at stake, consult with an experienced divorce lawyer to help protect your custody and visitation rights. Contact our law firm today online or call 480-507-6677 for a free initial consultation at our law firm in Gilbert, Arizona.
Fathers’ Child Custody Rights In Arizona
In Arizona, family law judges make decisions based on the best interests of the children affected by a divorce. Custody and visitation schedules are determined based on the assumption that both fathers and mothers have a right to frequent and meaningful time with their children. Joint child custody arrangements are usually ordered unless a parent poses a credible threat to a child’s safety.
If you have genuine concerns, we have experience helping parents obtain sole custody or to modify parenting plans when former spouses create a serious threat to a child’s safety. This typically involves:
- Domestic violence
- Child abuse
- Substance abuse/addiction
If you were wrongfully accused of domestic violence, we will respond quickly to the false allegations and will force the other side to try to prove their claims. Mr. Bednarz also represents clients who have struggled in the past with alcohol or drug addictions. He will demonstrate your commitment to regain your parenting rights by showing you took the right steps to get help in treatment programs.
Schedule A Free Initial Consultation
For more information about our approach in cases involving paternity suits or child custody disputes, call our Gilbert office at 480-507-6677 or use our online contact form to set up a free initial consultation.