For many people, it may seem completely impossible to relate to the lives of celebrities. Certainly, most people aren’t used to the public attention and media coverage that comes along with being a star, but the reality is that many celebrities go through the same personal difficulties experienced by average families. Former Phoenix Suns player Steve Nash recently settled a lengthy dispute with his ex-wife regarding their child custody arrangement.
Nearly three years ago, Nash announced that he and his wife intended to get divorced. The former couple has been locked in various family law disputes since that time, and they were finally able to create an agreeable child custody plan outside of court. According to reports, Nash didn’t want his wife moving his children out of Arizona.
It seems as though Nash was trying to do the right thing for his kids by requesting that they stay in Arizona. However, his wife wanted to move them to Los Angeles, but Nash had reservations about raising the kids outside of his home state. In this case, both parents had ideas about how to best raise their children, but they couldn’t agree how to accomplish that.
Children can benefit from spending time with both of their parents, so the hope is that Nash’s settlement reflects this idea. Just like mothers, fathers should be able to spend time with their children and play an active role in their upbringing. This is exactly why fathers’ rights should be taken into account when settling custody and visitation matters when it is in the child’s best interests.
Nash and his ex-wife were sure to keep the terms of their custody agreement confidential, but it is known that an Arizona family law judge has approved it. Family law issues can be very sensitive, so it’s no surprise that the athlete wanted keep the terms of the agreement under wraps.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Steve Nash Settles Child Custody Dispute With Ex-Wife Alejandra Amarilla,” Oct. 3, 2013