The filing deadline for 2018 income taxes has passed and unless Arizona residents secured extensions, they should have had their documents submitted to the government almost two months ago. Most people have received and spent their returns if they were entitled to get...
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Month: June 2019
How marital property is divided in Arizona
If an Arizona resident wants to understand the classification of property pursuant to a divorce, they must first be familiar with the legal concept of "community property." Community property is a theory of property ownership between marital partners that is...
Why may a court order sole custody of a child?
Child custody can be one of the most challenge issues for Arizona parents to resolve when they decide to end their relationships. Whether they divorce or separate, parents must decide what to do to best serve the needs and interests of their kids. This process can be...
Special custody considerations for the summer months
Summer is approaching, and that means most children in the Phoenix area will be off of school. Likewise, many parents will use the summer to take some time off from work and either explore all that Arizona has to offer in the way of natural beauty or travel somewhere...
Enforcement of grandparent visitation
This blog has talked about how Phoenix grandparents, in the right circumstances, can get a court order that requires their grandchildren's caregivers, usually a parent, to allow visits with the grandchildren. Getting this order is an important first step in securing...