Decisions regarding child support and child custody are made based on the needs of the children whose legal matters land in Arizona family law courts. To protect the child's best interests, courts may grant different custody arrangements based on the child's unique...
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Fathers’ Rights
Paternity matters when it comes to a father’s rights
There are a number of circumstances under which a man may be presumed to be a child's father. If, for example, the man was married to the child's mother when the child was born, under the law the man may be presumed to have fathered the child with his wife. Other...
Dads with substance abuse history may need legal help
Many dads in the Phoenix area struggle with substance abuse. Whether this is due to some youthful mistake or is part of another deep-seated issue, these men may have their lives affected in a number of ways by their substance abuse addictions. Some may even wind up...
Can I get out of an Acknowledgement of Paternity?
Previous posts on this blog have discussed Arizona's Acknowledgement of Paternity form. As those posts explain, many men in the Phoenix area sign this form shortly after the birth of a child they believe is theirs. Upon doing so, the man's name will be on the child's...
Number of children living with single dads increased slightly
It seems that among children who are living with either one or the other of their biological parents, most still live their mothers. Since the late 1960s, the number of children who are living with parents who are married to each other, including stepparents, has...
Dads should be ready to assert their rights in the new year
It turns out that there is some truth to the rumor that a lot of people go through divorces, separations or just informal breakups in January.At least according to one study, January is not the month when new divorces are most common. Instead, that dubious honor...
Representing dads who need help with holiday parenting time
A previous post on this blog talked about the importance of establishing a clear parenting plan that spells out which parent will have the children at what points over the major holidays. This post explained that doing this sort of careful planning can make the...
Do I need custody to access information about my child?
As much as he may try, a dad may have a hard time convincing a court to award him either legal or physical custody, and he may be left with getting some parenting time with his child.It may be that the dad has just recently come back in to the child's life or is just...
If you are an involved dad, can you claim your kids on taxes?
Many dads in the Phoenix area really want to be involved in the lives of their children and make a lot of efforts do so. Sometimes, the moms of these children sadly try to interfere with these efforts, which means that these men need to use the formal legal process to...
How does paternity fraud occur?
Many residents of Phoenix, Arizona, are probably aware that a man can become the legal father of a child, and thus have the right to have a relationship with that child and a duty to support that child, by submitting to DNA testing. This type of testing is very...