A previous post on this blog talked about the importance of establishing a clear parenting plan that spells out which parent will have the children at what points over the major holidays. This post explained that doing this sort of careful planning can make the holiday season go smoothly for everyone.
While one hopes that both parents will be able to understand that a child really should get to spend some of their holidays with both of them, for a lot of reasons, it does not always work out that way. For example, a dad who is trying to build or repair a relationship with his children may find it very hard to convince the mom to give them up over the holidays. While the mother’s reluctance can be malicious, more often than not it may be more of a failure to appreciate the dad’s role in his children’s lives. With that in mind, things like visiting relatives or observing certain holiday traditions become more important.
A Phoenix, Arizona dad in this situation is going to need someone on his side to fight for the right to see his children over the holidays. Although Arizona law gives him this right, it is not always easy to exercise when the mother is being difficult. In some cases, a mom may go to any length – including making false accusations – to keep the children with her over the holidays.
Our law office is prepared to represent fathers in getting the opportunity to spend the upcoming holidays with the people whom they love most. We are prepared to demonstrate that a dad does indeed deserve to spend these special moments with his children, and we will work hard to help him get the opportunity to do so.