Where a person files for divorce can have a big impact on how the couple's property will be divided by the court. For example, Arizona is a community property state and with that designation come particular rules that govern the property division process. This post...
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Month: September 2015
Singer Chris Brown wins child custody fight
Arizona fans of singer Chris Brown may have heard that the artist has been fighting a challenging family law battle. Brown has a one-year-old daughter with a former girlfriend, who was seeking sole custody of the child. Brown and his ex-partner have been in court...
Do Arizona courts recognize grandparent visitation rights?
In Arizona, certain third parties may seek custody of, and visitation with, children who are not the third parties' offspring. Grandparents are included in this third party group. In order for a grandparent to secure legal visitation rights with his or her...
Child support modification workshops can help Arizona parents
Arizona law requires that non-custodial parents contribute to paying for the basic needs of their children. The family court will ordinarily look at the incomes of both the custodial and the non-custodial parent and data regarding the cost of supporting a child in...