Arizona couples can spend a lot of time trying to make their relationship work for the sake of their children. However, in some cases the relationship is just beyond repair and couples are just better off apart. When couples consider divorce, there can be a common...
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Month: September 2014
Do Arizona fathers have the same custody rights as mothers?
Sometimes, divorcing parents get a lot of advice about what they can expect with regard to child custody. One bit of "helpful" advice a father may hear is that favor the mother and will generally award her custody. But is that really true? Are fathers' rights almost...
The right of grandparents to visit children after a divorce
When parents divorce, it's not always the immediate family that's affected. Sometimes, the grandparents of the children are impacted also. Grandparents may wonder if they will still be allowed to see the children after the divorce, or if access to the children will be...
Understanding grandparent rights in Arizona
One of the most polarizing aspects of a child custody dispute in Arizona might have to do with a grandparent who wants custody of a child. This scenario can be for a multitude of reasons and is happening more frequently than ever. In some circumstances, the parents...