The historical model of the nuclear family included a mother, a father and several children. Under the model the father served as the wage-earning parent while the mother forewent employment outside of the home in order to take care of the kids. In Arizona, and...
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Month: November 2015
Child support helps children meet their financial needs
Children who live in households with two parents receive support from both adults while under the same roof. However, children who live with only one parent due to their parents' separations, divorces or other personal choices many not directly experience the support...
What can terminate grandparents’ rights to visitation?
Prior posts on this Phoenix divorce and family law blog have discussed the rights of grandparents to seek visitation with their grandchildren. When parents split up and families become estranged from each other, grandparents can sometimes find that their relationships...
Courts can help individuals protect fathers’ rights
Last week this Arizona family law blog discussed the divorce of two famous musicians. Pursuant to their child custody agreement the parents will share custody of their three children, though due to the mother's work schedule the father will receive more time with...