Resolving issues related to the equitable division of property and assets continues to be one of the most difficult parts of the divorce process. Divorce involves the legal separation of two people whose lives were intertwined, so the property shared between them and...
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Month: November 2014
We understand grandparents’ desire for visitation
Divorce and issues relating to child support and child custody are not new issues; they have existed for decades and many family law attorneys are very familiar with the laws and possible resolutions. However, there are some issues related to child custody that are...
Debate over turning child support division over to state
Raising children is expensive so it is important that both parents be involved in assisting financially, regardless of the relationship status of the parents or the specific custody arrangement. When married parents divorce or when a parent who was never married to...
What kinds of child custody arrangements exist?
One of the hardest things to resolve during a divorce is child custody. Many couples find it hard to agree on the majority of issues when separating, and deciding who will get legal custody or physical custody of the children is no exception. When the parents cannot...
Understanding Arizona’s laws on property division during divorce
In the majority of cases, two issues seem to dominate in divorce disputes: child custody/child support and property division. It can be quite difficult for a divorcing couple to come to an agreement on who should keep what, especially when larger and less-liquid...