Grandchildren are a joy in the lives of their grandparents, but not all grandparents are able to spend time with their beloved grandchildren due to circumstances surrounding the lives and relationships of the children's parents. For example, when a child is born to...
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Grandparents’ Rights
Adoption and grandparents’ rights
Adoption is a legal practice that allows an adult to become the legal parent of a child for whom they did not biologically create. Individuals in Arizona may choose to adopt children from the foster care system or from private adoption agencies. Some even choose to...
Enforcement of grandparent visitation
This blog has talked about how Phoenix grandparents, in the right circumstances, can get a court order that requires their grandchildren's caregivers, usually a parent, to allow visits with the grandchildren. Getting this order is an important first step in securing...
Review of grandparents visitation rights in Arizona
Although this blog has discussed it before, it may be helpful to Phoenix grandparents to have a refresher on what their visitation rights are under Arizona law.After all, sometimes court-ordered grandparents' visitation is the only way to make sure that the important...
Review of Arizona’s grandparent visitation laws
This blog has on previous occasions talked about how Arizona has a law that, in some circumstances, allows grandparents to obtain a court order requiring that they get to visit their grandchildren from time to time.While these grandparents' visitation rights are not...
Raising grandkids is hard, and is becoming more common
It is not secret that across the country, more and more children are living with and being raised by their grandparents. Across the country, according to numbers reported by one agency of another state, there are now over 5.5 million children who are under the age of...
Is there something I can do to get custody without court?
As this blog has discussed on previous occasions, concerned grandparents who have grandkids that need care and loving support can obtain the legal authority they need to so provide in certain circumstances.However, this process will almost inevitably involve a trip to...
What are my options if both of my grandkids’ parents die?
A previous post here discussed what grandparents can do if their own adult child dies and leaves behind children. Generally speaking, the grandparents need to rely on Arizona's Grandparent Visitation Statue to get court-ordered visits with grandchildren, and getting...
Can I see my grandkids if my adult child dies?
Even if it happens when one's child has reached adulthood, one of the saddest things a Phoenix, Arizona, parent may have to go through in their lives is the death of their children. Sadly, a grandparent can lose their adult child to an accident or an illness that set...
What are some possible signs of abuse or neglect?
As this blog has discussed on previous occasions, while it may be difficult for grandparents to get custody of their grandchildren as a matter of routine, grandparent custody may be an option in Arizona when it appears that the grandchildren have been abused or...