Arizona has a number of programs to promote responsible fatherhood. The idea is to make fathers more responsible and involved in their children’s lives. The programs also aim at improving existing family relationships and enhancing the fathers’ economic stability, as well as ensuring a better execution of a father’s rights.
The program organized by the Native American Fatherhood and Families Association provides training and certification to the fathers at 90 tribes and 12 urban centers across Arizona. This program aims at strengthening families by involving the parents in the children’s lives, society and communities, thereby creating healthy and safer families. The federal Family and Medical Leave Act allows the fathers to take leave from employment after the birth or adoption of a child while keeping their jobs secure. This may become beneficial for Arizona fathers because there are no additional provisions for paid or unpaid leaves in the state.
For children born outside a marriage, hospitals in Arizona allow a father to sign an acknowledgment of paternity form in order to allow those children to get equal rights and privileges as children born to married parents. Arizona’s Division of Child Support Service takes measures to ensure that fathers do not hesitate to take on responsibilities regarding a child’s financial, medical and emotional needs.
If unmarried or separated couples disagree on child custody or visitation rights, a court may intervene and grant custody and decision-making responsibilities to either parent. Payment or non-payment of child support will not impact visitation rights. Thus, fathers who are unable to pay child support may still get the right to visit a child and share parental responsibilities.
Source:, “NRFC State Profile: Arizona 2014,” Accessed on April 10, 2015