Arizona divorce is difficult for the children. While the parents may be excited about embracing a better life, the children are usually very sad. Hence, in the best interest of the child, American courts, including those in Arizona, generally grant child custody to one parent and order the other parent to pay child support. It is mandatory for the non-custodial parent to pay that child support.
However, there are times when a parent is not able to pay the child support amount that has been mandated. That parent may ultimately owe a large amount of child support to the custodial parent. That situation may occur if the non-custodial parent loses a job or if there is a sudden change in the economy, which may affect that person. It could also happen if the parent’s work hours were reduced.
The Arizona Child Support Program was designed to help a parent who is struggling to pay child support. The non-custodial parent who needs help can pay a visit to the Arizona Division of Child Support Services.
There are several reasons why a non-custodial parent should settle child support financial issues as soon as possible. If the non-custodial parent can resolve whatever issues exist, that parent can catch up on child support payments. The child will benefit if the non-custodial parent can pay everything that is owed to the child. That parent will also benefit because that person will not be obligated to pay interest, which would be the case if the child support were overdue.
Once all child support is paid, the case will be closed and the person’s financial standing will be restored. In addition, once the child support has been paid, the wages that had been withheld will be released.
Source: AZDEZ.Gov, “Arizona Child Support Settlement Program,” accessed on June 16, 2015