Divorce is a complex process. Even when couples in Arizona are prepared to initiate dissolution, they are often ill-prepared to deal with the many ups and downs the end of a marriage can bring. This is especially true for those divorcing with children. Many of the choices and decision made throughout the process will impact the child, making it imperative that much attention is paid to the agreements being made. This is especially true when reaching a legal decision-making and parenting time agreement.
Depending on the dynamics of the family and how messy the divorce is, some divorcing parents are able to collaborate through a joint legal decision-making and parenting time agreement. While this arrangement can be more positive for children, since it allows both parents to have equal access to the children, some Arizona parents are not able to agree on all of the necessary terms. At John Bednarz, PC, our legal team understands the challenges that child legal decision-making and parenting time issues can bring to the table. Thus, we are dedicated to assisting Arizona parents through every step of the process.
Whether or not co-parenting is appropriate for you, it is important to understand what each custody arrangement looks like. It is also crucial to understand that custody arrangements can be altered post-divorce should life circumstances change, in order to better meet the best interests of the child. If open communication and collaboration is a workable situation, then parents could benefit from a co-parenting relationship. However, if they are still bitter and unable to communicate well, other arrangements may be more suitable.
Our law firm understands that joint custody is not always the end goal; therefore, we are prepared to assist clients with seeking primary or sole custody. Our knowledgeable attorneys will guide you through the process while weighing in on the costs and benefits of this arrangement.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s child custody website. Whether you are initiating a custody order, attempting to enforce a current order or seeking to modify a custody agreement, it is important to understand the process and rights afforded to parents along the way.