Divorcing parents in Phoenix understand that they have to make a plethora of decisions imperative to the divorce process and for the children. Whether you decide to have a joint custody arrangement or just visitation while the other parent has primary custody, it is important to understand the details of the child custody arrangement that makes it work.
In most cases, divorcing parents focus on the scheduling details of the custody agreement. This is an important issue to iron out, as it is the schedule that will be followed for months if not years. However, it is important to consider aspects of the custody order such as how each parent will make it work. In order for a child to go from one household to the other, an exchange must be made. And this exchange must be carried out in a manner that is neutral or positive for the children involved.
How can you address issues stemming from child custody exchanges? While this is considered a simple factor of a child custody arrangement, it could be a situation that could cause disputes about being late, changing the time or place of the exchange or discussing other issues during the exchange. Thus, divorced parents should take steps to avoid or resolve any issues of disputes occurring during a child exchange.
Whether it was a heated or amicable divorce, divorced parents are likely to have some negative emotions following the finalization of their divorce. This could pour-over into the child custody agreement between them. Because divorced spouses are forced to interact and see each other often in their post-divorce life, this is enough to spark emotions and disputes.
Nonetheless, the best way to avoid these problems is to manage these disagreements. This means not holding grudges and understanding when it is a good time to bring up certain issues. Additionally, child custody exchanges should not be used to be spiteful or retaliate against a former spouse, as this could harm the child involved.
No matter how parents plan to address any issues arising from a child custody dispute, it is important to act with the best interests of the child in mind. This will ensure that their needs and interests of the child and met and continually met throughout the process.
One more suggestion is to review the parenting time schedule to make sure it is logistically possible. If a parent gets off work at 5:00 p.m. and is supposed to pick up the children from the other parent at 5:00 p.m., clearly there may be problems. Work together to make sure the schedule in the Parenting Plan is actually do-able and if it is not, agree on reasonable changes, then have an attorney draft a Stipulation to Modify the schedule so it can become the order of the court.
Source: FindLaw, “Child Custody Exchange,” accessed June 17, 2017