October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which means that now is a good time for all Arizona residents to remember, and as much as possible support, victims of domestic violence and their loved ones. It is estimated that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are victims of...
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Child Custody
Parenting time over the holidays
With October winding down, many residents of the Phoenix area are probably starting to think about the major winter holidays that will be upon us in a few short weeks. This is a stressful time for a lot of reasons, as the holidays require a lot of planning and...
What does “shared custody” really mean?
While many Phoenix residents may refer to "sharing" custody of their children, the term "shared custody" actually has no one legal definition. Rather, it can refer to more than one legal concept, and even then, what these legal concepts really entail can come as a...
Review of how Arizona courts enforce parenting time
This blog has discussed on previous occasions the importance of parenting plans. Among other things, a detailed parenting plan ensures that each parent of a child gets the opportunity to see and build up a relationship with their children.It is of course equally...
What factors do Arizona courts use to decide child custody?
While this blog has touched on them at in the past, it may be helpful for our Phoenix readers and those in suburban Maricopa County to understand exactly what factors Arizona courts will use to decide a child custody case.The goal of any court is, or at least ought to...
Representation in relocation proceedings
Previous posts on this blog have talked about how many Phoenix, Arizona, couples may be subject to Arizona's relocation rules when it comes to single parents moving with their children to another state or to another part of Arizona.Particularly when their contentious,...
How do I go about changing a child custody order?
In Arizona, orders with respect to child custody and parenting time are not set in stone. Under the right circumstances, a parent can pursue a child custody modification, especially if that parent feels that the current custody arrangement is no longer in the best...
When your ex-spouse moves: your right to a relocation hearing
In a previous post, we talked about what happens when one parent in a divorce wants to relocate-and the implications of this move on child custody. In today's post, we examine the recourse the non-relocating parent has to contest this move. If your ex-spouse decides...
Rules that apply when parents need to move
One of the hardest things to deal with when parents are not living in the same home as their children is the possibility that either they will have to move or the child's other parent will say that they need to move. While there are often good or at lease credible...
Review of Arizona’s relocation rules
Many parents in the Phoenix area realize that in some point in their lives, they are going to have to move their family, perhaps even several miles or even hundreds of miles from their current location. It is hard enough to do this when parents live together, but...