Divorce is never easy. That is true even in cases where spouses collaborate and work together through all the steps of the process. In many cases, divorcing spouses will extend the process, focus on minute details, refuse to budge on issues and even act spiteful. This...
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Property Division
Creditors are not parties to property division agreements
Many Phoenix couples share joint bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial devices. They may both have their names on different instruments so that they may share the financial assets that they amass during their married years. However, a divorce can quickly...
Fairness and the settlement of property during a divorce
If an Arizona couple can put its differences aside and allow the partners to work together to create a balanced, reasonable property settlement agreement, then a divorce court will often approve that agreement without further negotiations. But reaching such an...
Digital assets are important to protect during divorce
It is rare to find a Phoenix resident who does not use some form of social media account to connect with the masses and share with his or her friends. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or something else, the ways in which a person can choose to connect and...
Asset valuation can make divorce complex
Even in the most harmonious divorces, individuals can find themselves embroiled in battles over the property they shared with their partners. Arizona residents may fight over who will take the marital home after their relationship ends, who will get the cars, who will...
What will happen to my credit when I divorce?
With foresight and careful planning, a soon-to-be divorced Arizona resident may not experience any significant changes to their credit once the marriage has ended. However, there are some issues that may arise after the divorce is finalized that could jeopardize a...
We can help you complete a comprehensive property division
Many married couples are attached to each other in more ways than just through their marriage licenses. They may have children for whom they must create custody and support arrangements in the event that their marriages end. They likely also may share a variety of...
Later in life divorce may cause greater property division issues
Depending upon the source that an Arizona resident consults, he may find claims that the national divorce rate is either increasing or decreasing. There is no doubt that marriage statistics are changing across the country. For example, the average age of American...
Making wise decisions when it comes to dividing joint accounts
It can be advantageous for married partners in Arizona to apply for credit cards, mortgages and other loans together. This is because lenders look for financial security in the parties they extend credit to and couples often generate more income together than the...
Will I get the house during our property division process?
A person's home is his castle. It is the place where he feels safe, and the place where he grounds his personal life. In Arizona, people make homes in large suburban single family houses, small city-based condos, and properties of every shape and size between.When it...